The leap

A Wild Mountain Goat – Mallorca, 2015

From spending a large proportion of my life in Mallorca, I have always been blown away by the abundance of nature that surrounds you. You are able to get closer and view spectacular species -acrobatic and elegant wild goats shown here mingle between the harsh thorns and arid terrain of the mountains, whilst dragonflies and weevils are hidden amongst the grass and under rocks.

I think I particularly like this photograph for one main reason; when one thinks of a goat, the image of an a brave, strong individual does not immediately fall to mind. But here, caught in this split second, my photograph illustrates the intensity and acrobatic strength of this individual. He is aware, he understands the land around him – with it’s crumbing dry soil and intense warm days. If instead a different direction had caught my eye, this sight could have been missed entirely, and the moment would have leaped and dissipated into the still afternoon heat..